Welcome to the heart of the Bloom Perf project - our Tools page. Here you’ll find a list of tools that we’ve meticulously and lovingly developed :two_hearts:. Each tool is designed to streamline and enhance your performance testing experience, bringing both simplicity and efficiency to your workflow (we’re not quite there yet, but we’re working hard to get there :sweat_smile:).

We encourage you to explore these tools and see how they can fit into your specific requirements. Our aim is not just to provide tools, but also to foster a space for learning, sharing, and improving. Therefore, if you have questions, suggestions, or insights, we warmly invite you to join the conversation on our GitHub discussions page. Your participation and feedback are invaluable in shaping the future of these tools and the community around them.

Let’s dive in…

  • Mochi
  • Simple and reliable HTTP Mock server written in RUST.
  • YAML Puppeteer
  • A scenario oriented API to control a browser with puppeteer.
  • Kyara
  • Create and deploy fake users to simulate traffic on your apps.